12th nov 2008 - waimeng was in d mood for western food.. hmm bt there isnt much hawker stalls tht we knew off selling western food (nt lik kl..food is everywhere!) 1st thing tht came to my mind was Jack's Place! bt they dun hav it in JB.. *sad* anyway we ended up at TGIF! haha yep a plc tht i've yet to visit :) thx 4 d recommendation jojo.. as expected, higher end of price range :p bt food was pretty good.. other than d service.. erm.. bit slow i shud say.. 3 ppl shared an appetiser + a main course..
13th nov 2008 - went hunting for food ard.. actually, we wanted to go tmn mewah at pasir gudang, bt no one knows d way! d was pretty jammed! so.. giv up.. ended up at tmn nusa bestari for dinner at one of d restaurant.. according to jojo, it was a dim sum restaurant in d morning & normal restaurant in d evening.. food at reasonable price.. later, we wana crash yokdai's hse! bt she offered to yum cha at old town.. super hard to find parking at tht area! bt also lots of small small hawker stalls :p hehe.. gona conquer them soon!
playing ard wit chilli sos..