fr the title of the movie, it sounds a bit scary to me.. so not paying much attention to it... bt last week, when i went back kl & stroll ard in Kinokuniya KLCC - i then realise wow, it was one of the recommended reading material! hehe as usual, i dun update myself on wht book is nice bla bla bla.. i oni read "best sellers", "recommemded reading" etc.. pick up a copy, sitting down at one of the corner & start reading :)
the storyline kinda catch my attention.. it's nt sth tht i expecting to be horror.. i actually sat there reading for 2 hrs plus.. (missed those days where i always hang about in kinokuniya KLCC or Border Time Square)
bt i hav to head back to jb after tht.. so i googled up dis movie last night :D i highly recommending dis movie to all :)
the plots are kinda twist & turn.. need to do some thinking.. hehe.. at first sight, i tot it was separated into 3 separated story, bt once u reach the ending, u wil realise it's all linked together :D it could be boring & aimless at some point, be patient.. everything comes in a purpose :)
Takeshi Kaneshiro as a grim reaper whom will appear in life the going-to-die person, investigate & to decide whether to pass or not.. he has a black dog, crows & always rainy dy (nv sunny) followed him on his mission.. he learnt tht life & death is not simple after all..
*Argghhh~~~ nt good at describing!!!!!!!!!!! go & hav a look on ur own! :p definitely worth watching!.. hehe*