Sunday, August 31, 2008
Friday, August 29, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
congratulation Cai Yun Feng
Cai Yun Feng gained a silver & 2 bronse medal in WuShu events in beijing 2008.. hmm she achieved d same standard as Lee CW, by i didnt see d excitement of Msian.. less discussion about her.. y?..
Is she going to be awarded d title "Dato" as well?..
Is she going to be awarded d title "Dato" as well?..
Monday, August 25, 2008
busy busy week..
finally i got my dates for interview wit SPA (suruhanjaya perkhidmatan awam).. dis time, it was v different fr d previous batch who went to putrajaya for interview.. we had it at d branch at jln cenderasari, near taman rama2 & KL KTM station.. details can get fr huiming's blog (super helpful :D)
i was interviewed by 2 man, a pengerusi & one ketua pengarah.. *salute* they r v knowledgable! they didnt cincai cincai find ppl to interview us! these ppl r really good! things tht they ask ranging fr casual talk, history to current issues.. some they can even ask v weird Q.. eg: yg berbahagia, yg terhormat, tunku, dato' etc, which one come 1st? how legislation r passed in parliament? bt things tht u must know, who is d health minister, who is d current agong, wht is d current disease in msia, how many akta r there, how many different field in pharmacy & which one u would lik to work in.. well, be calm & dun b so blur! i perfer working in research or enforcement, bt when he ask if i lik to work in hospital, my head just nod (out of nowhere, my body jut nt coordinatin as wht my mind wants).. huiming on d other hand, to panic.. when d person ask which department she wants to work in, only thing tht pop out of her mind is "enforcement" haha.. kebetulan, d person interviewing her is fr enforcement deparment too :p he said "good good" :p bt huiming wants to work in hospital more.. hehe.. just d opposite fr me.. bt highly, she will get enforcement.. they need ppl there.. gaga..
ending d interview, went mamak wit d others b4 release of d offer letter at bout noon.. my 1st mamak! :D hehe.. my long lost ice lemon tea! yummy! there r stil lots to do, medical check up & go sumpah sth at d mahkamah/ in front of pesuruhjaya sumpah..
tht's stil nt d end yet.. we hav to go lembaga farmasi at jln universiti & KKM (kementerian kesihatan malaysia) to sumit borang maklumat diri.. this is where u choose where u wana work.. bt i doubt they will consider much.. they proly will just allocate us randomly? there is stil so many pharmacist out there waiting for placement.. & d lady told us, it will take about 2 month for everything to fini process (gov department speed..) which means i hav AT LEAST another 2 mth to berkulat! it may take longer too! directions to go lembaga farmasi & KKM refer huiming's blog :) thx ah ming's parents who tumpang me there.. hehe.. duno how 2 drive in kl is super stress!
my uncle & aunt (mummy side) was super nice too.. they know i lik purple cane so much, tht they drove me out for dinner at pude! (ps: i didnt know pudu gt purple cane in d 1st plc!) haha.. love d enviroment & food there! healthier & yummy!! even d rice is green tea made :D
sweet & sour fish
during d weekend pulak, meet up wit daddy side relatives.. aunt drove me & cousins bro fr kl to klang.. haha we gt lost :p bt found our way at last.. went to somewhere near kuala sgor (16 batu) for seafood dinner! :D woowhoo! haha.. buka puasa! (my frens shud know if my dad around, am a vegetarian.. kekekeke..)
dis trip back to msia, i also met up wit lots of frens.. bt nt all yet.. some r stil having cls, working or hav other program.. anyway, had a great time meeting up wit my uni mates - huiming, phuayfhern, voonyuen, suann & alicia! wow my 1st trip to MV after 1 yrs.. guess how long it takes me? 2 hrs! bus + putra + KTM.. nice hang out & discovering d Gardens.. erm.. v high cls, nicer to shop (less crowded) bt also pretty high end products (pocket will berdarah..) bt i manage to bought a formal shirt fr G2000.. comin 2 d end of sales dy.. so nt i choose baju, is baju size choose me :( so sad.. it was more expensive in msia compared to spore.. bt i choose to buy in msia coz spore no size dy.. sob sob.. anyway it was a lovely day catchin up wit them.. after about.. 1 mth seperation fr glasgow.. we also catch a movie - wall e! super nice & educational.. wall e & eva both r v cute too.. i hope, my home - d earth is nt going to turn into wht shown in d story..
ps: GSC pop corn sudah drop standard?.. or it was memang lik tht in d 1st plc? my expectation was too high?..
2nd trip to MV on d next day meeting up wit close frens fr secondary sch - calvin, steph, yeeli & ee-kim.. ee-kim in d end was sick & couldnt make it.. everyone was super d late tht day :p we just hav so many things to do b4 hand.. haha.. isnt it suppose to b a holiday?! :p catch red cliff at GSC.. super long queue! coz it was wednesday! a great production :D really enjoyed it.. hehe bt a bit pity to steph, coz she dun really un d history.. luckiy calvin was there to help.. i guess, if wasnt hawlun who showed me d other version of 3 kingdom by andy lau, i wouldnt understand d history too :p lookin fwd to part 2..
later in d afternoon, meet up wit yongshen & yungwei at kepong for tea & dinner.. haha.. great recommendation fr them.. they brought us to somewhere at tmn ehsan for.. seafood again :p apparently d crabby wit salted egg here was nice! n reasonable price.. if u could find a restaurant name "德福" :D these ppl here really know where to enjoy good food :) after dinner, 6 of us drove fr kepong all d way to ampang.. for?.. d patient kee ee-kim! cannot tahan la.. all of us didnt see her for so long & she going back in one week time :( KIM, u must b v touch to hav such frens lik us :p hehe.. hang out for about an hr plus then oni we realise, it's almost midnight! thx to yongshen who drove everyone of us back then he himself go back to unisel.. far weh! one end to one end.. TQ pal! it has been v long since we had such a gathering.. when everyone gets more busy, haha duno if we still can make it! anyway it's d effort tht counts :D
also bought a book "the diary of a young girl" by anne frank fr MPH.. it was coz i went visit d anne frank hse amsterdam, where anne frank, a jewish girl wrote about her experiences, hiding during german occupation of d netherlands in WWII, trigger my interest to know more about d history.. history thought in msia was so limited.. 80% r about msia, islam, malays etc.. i missed out d interesting world history..
hmm a lot of my 1st time in dis trip back to msia.. 1st time stepping into a japanese restaurant in pavillion - yo sushi, wit calvin & suichen whom yeeli & i bump into.. erm.. i dont really lik d food there.. nth special, expensive & nt worth it..
on d day b4 d convocation at sheraton subang, all of us were asked to go back IMU for rehearsal.. sad to say tht, i was just a waste of time! go there, just to take attendance, listen to some nt so important instruction & lastly just to collect our robes, hood & mortar board.. i tot it was suppose to b a rehearsal?! didnt even queue or trying walking on stage etc.. anyway, had a great BBQ night at xinyin's hse :) with huiming, phuayfhern, voonyuen, alicia, angeline, peiling, desmond, weili & her family "sun bin" celebrate super belated bday for ah voon :) xy has a super cute niece :D poser & drama queen just lik her.. haha it's in d gene :p later at night, went to fetch mummy fr klcc coz she & younger sis came down to kl for my convocation :D hehe.. TQ mummy & sis.. i know both of u r pretty tired.. TQ for making it!
next day, woke up at bout 5 in d morning, get myself ready, then took super early LRT to tmn paramount to meet xinyin & peiling.. we depart to sheraton hotel & has to arrive by 7am!! super d early lo!! wit my sleepy, lazy nt enuf sleep eye (small eyes).. i had to force my contacts to stick in.. stress & unfomfortable.. most of my pics also look v "chan".. haih.. we had one round of rehearsal.. then when come to d real thing, i actually fall asleep during d speech! wahahaha.. comparing d ceremony in glasgow & msia, msia one seems more complicated.. in glasgow, we didnt even rehears.. they just giv u a piece of paper, on instruction.. tht's all.. in msia, need rehears, then more "rules".. walk slow, follow to d gamelan tempo, at d 1st "x" on stage, bow to lecturers & staffs, walk to d center of d stage, bow to chancellor, shake hands, accept ur scroll, turn & smile to camera then walk out.. anyway, it was great to see all my batchmates again! it had been so long since we last gather.. everyone came back at diff time & is all over msia.. oh, to compliment bout this convocation, mummy say better food :p hahaha.. & yea i gt graduation bears & A rose! at d end of ceremony, we had our super final cls photo.. n here we go.. 1.. 2.. 3.. THROW! mortar board gone into d air!
oh yea, my frens asked, y so nice, u gt to convocation? haha.. i hav no idea.. IMU invited, then go lo.. i guess, if we werent there, there will b oni one batch of MBBS students & some PhD student graduating.. haha.. we were there to make up d numbers? :p jk.. my intention was just to meet wit everyone.. also to hav my mortar board on :p in scotland (nt entire uk), graduants r nt given mortar board coz they believe in continuous learning.. putting on d hat on ur head, seems lik u gona stop at where u r.. tht's y if u see my glasgow convo pics, i hav no hats on.. haha..
thx joey for d lovely rose

lab partner
grp C1!
"ji muis" sekalian

i was interviewed by 2 man, a pengerusi & one ketua pengarah.. *salute* they r v knowledgable! they didnt cincai cincai find ppl to interview us! these ppl r really good! things tht they ask ranging fr casual talk, history to current issues.. some they can even ask v weird Q.. eg: yg berbahagia, yg terhormat, tunku, dato' etc, which one come 1st? how legislation r passed in parliament? bt things tht u must know, who is d health minister, who is d current agong, wht is d current disease in msia, how many akta r there, how many different field in pharmacy & which one u would lik to work in.. well, be calm & dun b so blur! i perfer working in research or enforcement, bt when he ask if i lik to work in hospital, my head just nod (out of nowhere, my body jut nt coordinatin as wht my mind wants).. huiming on d other hand, to panic.. when d person ask which department she wants to work in, only thing tht pop out of her mind is "enforcement" haha.. kebetulan, d person interviewing her is fr enforcement deparment too :p he said "good good" :p bt huiming wants to work in hospital more.. hehe.. just d opposite fr me.. bt highly, she will get enforcement.. they need ppl there.. gaga..
ending d interview, went mamak wit d others b4 release of d offer letter at bout noon.. my 1st mamak! :D hehe.. my long lost ice lemon tea! yummy! there r stil lots to do, medical check up & go sumpah sth at d mahkamah/ in front of pesuruhjaya sumpah..
tht's stil nt d end yet.. we hav to go lembaga farmasi at jln universiti & KKM (kementerian kesihatan malaysia) to sumit borang maklumat diri.. this is where u choose where u wana work.. bt i doubt they will consider much.. they proly will just allocate us randomly? there is stil so many pharmacist out there waiting for placement.. & d lady told us, it will take about 2 month for everything to fini process (gov department speed..) which means i hav AT LEAST another 2 mth to berkulat! it may take longer too! directions to go lembaga farmasi & KKM refer huiming's blog :) thx ah ming's parents who tumpang me there.. hehe.. duno how 2 drive in kl is super stress!
my uncle & aunt (mummy side) was super nice too.. they know i lik purple cane so much, tht they drove me out for dinner at pude! (ps: i didnt know pudu gt purple cane in d 1st plc!) haha.. love d enviroment & food there! healthier & yummy!! even d rice is green tea made :D
during d weekend pulak, meet up wit daddy side relatives.. aunt drove me & cousins bro fr kl to klang.. haha we gt lost :p bt found our way at last.. went to somewhere near kuala sgor (16 batu) for seafood dinner! :D woowhoo! haha.. buka puasa! (my frens shud know if my dad around, am a vegetarian.. kekekeke..)
ps: GSC pop corn sudah drop standard?.. or it was memang lik tht in d 1st plc? my expectation was too high?..
2nd trip to MV on d next day meeting up wit close frens fr secondary sch - calvin, steph, yeeli & ee-kim.. ee-kim in d end was sick & couldnt make it.. everyone was super d late tht day :p we just hav so many things to do b4 hand.. haha.. isnt it suppose to b a holiday?! :p catch red cliff at GSC.. super long queue! coz it was wednesday! a great production :D really enjoyed it.. hehe bt a bit pity to steph, coz she dun really un d history.. luckiy calvin was there to help.. i guess, if wasnt hawlun who showed me d other version of 3 kingdom by andy lau, i wouldnt understand d history too :p lookin fwd to part 2..
later in d afternoon, meet up wit yongshen & yungwei at kepong for tea & dinner.. haha.. great recommendation fr them.. they brought us to somewhere at tmn ehsan for.. seafood again :p apparently d crabby wit salted egg here was nice! n reasonable price.. if u could find a restaurant name "德福" :D these ppl here really know where to enjoy good food :) after dinner, 6 of us drove fr kepong all d way to ampang.. for?.. d patient kee ee-kim! cannot tahan la.. all of us didnt see her for so long & she going back in one week time :( KIM, u must b v touch to hav such frens lik us :p hehe.. hang out for about an hr plus then oni we realise, it's almost midnight! thx to yongshen who drove everyone of us back then he himself go back to unisel.. far weh! one end to one end.. TQ pal! it has been v long since we had such a gathering.. when everyone gets more busy, haha duno if we still can make it! anyway it's d effort tht counts :D
also bought a book "the diary of a young girl" by anne frank fr MPH.. it was coz i went visit d anne frank hse amsterdam, where anne frank, a jewish girl wrote about her experiences, hiding during german occupation of d netherlands in WWII, trigger my interest to know more about d history.. history thought in msia was so limited.. 80% r about msia, islam, malays etc.. i missed out d interesting world history..
hmm a lot of my 1st time in dis trip back to msia.. 1st time stepping into a japanese restaurant in pavillion - yo sushi, wit calvin & suichen whom yeeli & i bump into.. erm.. i dont really lik d food there.. nth special, expensive & nt worth it..
on d day b4 d convocation at sheraton subang, all of us were asked to go back IMU for rehearsal.. sad to say tht, i was just a waste of time! go there, just to take attendance, listen to some nt so important instruction & lastly just to collect our robes, hood & mortar board.. i tot it was suppose to b a rehearsal?! didnt even queue or trying walking on stage etc.. anyway, had a great BBQ night at xinyin's hse :) with huiming, phuayfhern, voonyuen, alicia, angeline, peiling, desmond, weili & her family "sun bin" celebrate super belated bday for ah voon :) xy has a super cute niece :D poser & drama queen just lik her.. haha it's in d gene :p later at night, went to fetch mummy fr klcc coz she & younger sis came down to kl for my convocation :D hehe.. TQ mummy & sis.. i know both of u r pretty tired.. TQ for making it!
next day, woke up at bout 5 in d morning, get myself ready, then took super early LRT to tmn paramount to meet xinyin & peiling.. we depart to sheraton hotel & has to arrive by 7am!! super d early lo!! wit my sleepy, lazy nt enuf sleep eye (small eyes).. i had to force my contacts to stick in.. stress & unfomfortable.. most of my pics also look v "chan".. haih.. we had one round of rehearsal.. then when come to d real thing, i actually fall asleep during d speech! wahahaha.. comparing d ceremony in glasgow & msia, msia one seems more complicated.. in glasgow, we didnt even rehears.. they just giv u a piece of paper, on instruction.. tht's all.. in msia, need rehears, then more "rules".. walk slow, follow to d gamelan tempo, at d 1st "x" on stage, bow to lecturers & staffs, walk to d center of d stage, bow to chancellor, shake hands, accept ur scroll, turn & smile to camera then walk out.. anyway, it was great to see all my batchmates again! it had been so long since we last gather.. everyone came back at diff time & is all over msia.. oh, to compliment bout this convocation, mummy say better food :p hahaha.. & yea i gt graduation bears & A rose! at d end of ceremony, we had our super final cls photo.. n here we go.. 1.. 2.. 3.. THROW! mortar board gone into d air!
oh yea, my frens asked, y so nice, u gt to convocation? haha.. i hav no idea.. IMU invited, then go lo.. i guess, if we werent there, there will b oni one batch of MBBS students & some PhD student graduating.. haha.. we were there to make up d numbers? :p jk.. my intention was just to meet wit everyone.. also to hav my mortar board on :p in scotland (nt entire uk), graduants r nt given mortar board coz they believe in continuous learning.. putting on d hat on ur head, seems lik u gona stop at where u r.. tht's y if u see my glasgow convo pics, i hav no hats on.. haha..
after ceremony, went to visit my relatives at klang by KTM.. super long since i last met my aunts, uncle & little cousins! all grew tall liao.. one of my cousin sis, in form 1 ady taller than me! well, her mother/ my dad's side gene.. haha.. i'm balance btw mummy & daddy :p nice chat & i going back spore next day liao..
ps: if anyone happens to hav my pics, do send me ya! :D TQ
ps: if anyone happens to hav my pics, do send me ya! :D TQ
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