opening ceremony olympic 2008 started last night at about 8pm, i watch it through channel 5.. a v touching performance i would say.. to see such a big troop of performers & audience participate in dis memorable event.. i took them plenty of time & effort to make things perfect! finally d DREAM COME TRUE! One World One Dream..
the "drum" performance (缶陣) was made up of 2008 participants & it really shock me, how perfect their movements are..
there is this little girl in red who sang Hymn to My Country, has a v good voice & i almost cried when seeing children fr 56 ethnic grp fr China walked a giant China flag across d stadium.. they r d future!
it then proceed wit some sort of story telling, introducing China history focusing on their 4 major inventions: the paper, printing, compass & gunpowder

d theme song of d day: You & Me was sang by LiuHuan & Sarah Brightman, simple yet meaningful..
it was then followed by athletes fr 205 country, enter into d stadium.. Malaysia was d 10th to enter.. d climax of d day shud b d lighting of d olympic cauldron by LiNing.. amazing! lighting fr d sky!

China, Jia You! Malaysia Tambah Minyak (mahal la..)!
[the star] China put on a stunning display of pageantry and pyrotechnics to open the 2008 Olympic Games at the National Stadium in Beijing. It was depicted as the largest, costliest extravaganza in Olympic history, bookended by barrages of some 30,000 fireworks during a performance that took a 4 billion worldwide audience through 2,000 years of Chinese history
China’s most successful film director (zhang yi mou) spent three years creating the ceremony, which had all the flair and scale of one of his epic films, House of Flying Daggers or Hero. It included hundreds of kung fu fighters dressed in matching white, opera singers and dancers.
the "drum" performance (缶陣) was made up of 2008 participants & it really shock me, how perfect their movements are..


it was then followed by athletes fr 205 country, enter into d stadium.. Malaysia was d 10th to enter.. d climax of d day shud b d lighting of d olympic cauldron by LiNing.. amazing! lighting fr d sky!

it was finished of wit thunders of fireworks! inside & outside of d stadium.. my personal opinion, audience in front of TV benefits d most :p hehe.. get a full view of it!

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