next day, we actually had a farewell cum hari raya cum deepavali cum hse warming party at my apt for pn silva & yentheng.. pot luck la wht else?! haha.. too much food & we over estimates ourselves :p they r actually my hsemates colleagues for d moment, soon gona be mine.. haha.. they r fr TPN dept :)
on fri, it was v nice for leeyin & khangwern to drop by HSA :) has a short meeting up wit them coz i having lunch call, so didnt hav a long break.. sigh.. bt i was v happy to see them again! really hope tht they can get posted to johor & let's work together!!
oh yea, i'm workin on saturday dis week & sunday next week as well.. it wasnt as busy as usual on sat, bt work load isnt lighten coz number of staff also halved! haha.. v nice to hav ms tan to accompany me in d morning, although i need to take over in d afternoon.. i was pretty lucky tht there wasnt any "special" cases tht i need to handle.. haha.. coz i hav no one to consult :p also, my 1st time leaving d hosp for lunch! ya, i oni hav one hour break.. super short right, bt today no choice, cafeteria hav nth much to eat :( i need solid food! went on peitong's bike & YES, my 1st experience on motorcycle!! was quite terrified at 1st, i'm bad at things wit 2 wheels! not even bicycle! used to fell down when i was young & i nv pick tht up again.. bt it wasnt as bad as i thought.. (or i guess, he WANTS me to compliment him for his "stableness".. haha.. ya right.. keep emphasizing oni..*sweat*).. it was pretty windy to drove along bt then it can be super skin burning under d sun..
coming up weekend, my parents gona come & visit me! hooray! cant wait for tmr :) yet, i need to start reading those 2 book below.. it's v sedative book.. i nv tried reading for more than few pages.. not on high hope to passed at 1st attempt.. coz i really know NTH bout msia law! khor haw lun! perhaps, u can help me? haha..
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