Xmas celebration by aunt Betty & uncle Johnny's - Bukit Panjang, Spore.. There were about more than 30 ppl gathered that day, mostly r aunt Betty siblings & 3 families fr Msia.. meeting up to catch up with each other.. This will be held every year bt d last time my family attended was 4 years back! Uncle Johnny complied the old old pics and we went through all pics on the TV.. OMG.. i couldnt recognise most of them especially my sis & cousins.. everyone changed a lot, grew prettier & handsome liao.. haha.. The cook of d day - XiaoQiang 舅舅 (chief chef in one of the Spore hotel)..

Fruit Salad, Yam Cake, Mushroom Soup (with French Bread) + Sauce

Colourful Salad, Fried Noodle, In-house Speciality Pasta, Curry Puff

little sis & i

mummy, 2nd sis & 舅母

Uncle Lawrence

XiaoQiang 舅舅, XiaoMei 阿姨, Aunt Elsie


Uncle Johnny, Uncle lawrence, 舅舅,舅母 & i

Grandma & i

Cousis Sis (air stewardess!) & 大表姨

Little Cousin Sis - JenJen & the maid..


Drinking & Above 18+ discussion..

Forgotten what's the trigger story.. anyway, expected it should be sth
yellow :p Moreover, half of them already drunk.. haha


Time to exchange present!
1st, draw lots & presents presented by Aunt Betty.. one family one representative..

Hehe.. grandma & 姨婆 also got present woh!
haha.. then followed presents for kids & single person

Adults, as usual.. continue with their games.. haha.. (in d pic: neighbour aunt, 舅舅,五舅母 & PeiPei's Bf)

Dismissed after dinner.. a very tiring day, but fun! :D All the best to all my cousins in studies & works.. New Year New Resolution!
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