I'm Bored.. Not Nice.. Not Recommended..
It was a last minute decision to catch a movie wit a few colleagues today - zhiyang, waimeng, mintien & huiyin.. Pretty rush coz wana catch d 720pm show @ tebrau city.. jammed in d HOSPITAL compound for HALF an hr.. sigh.. n none of us wana go wit formal cloths & sticky body.. getting ready for everyone took another half an hr.. huh.. just in time to collect our reserved tickets..
Yeah! someone ady told me it wasnt tht good.. bt still we decided to see wit our own eyes.. mayb it was good, just not tht good as d previous ones?.. bt we were wrong.. Totally NO adrenaline rush in me (someone who can scream just for little little things..) nt to mention for d rest of them who were FD fans.. Too rush for a good movie.. it only last for 1 hr & 15 mins.. I think d director seriously out of idea dy.. Drag Me To Hell was so much better..
oh well......
time to pack for weekend trip! :D wheee ~~
hoho..that was fast! LOL
yea the movie sucked..so disappointing!
see u tmr =))
Ooi?... hehe huiyin got drop by one ar?.. haha..
yalor.. not nice also.. sigh..
hehe op for another movie next time :)
btw, tmr i wont b ard girl.. i shall see u next week & hav a great weekend ya!
yups wait for the next nice movie to come lar coz the ones screening now not tempting...
see u tmr lar...work work work!!@.@
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