On d 3rd day, we r going to explore somewhere further fr d city - Kutna Hora. Took a train there bt d journey last for 3 hours! The train was v interesting coz it's sth tht is v similar to d Hogwart's train! cubicles on one side of d train & a v narrow alley for walking.. hehe.. Upon arriving, straight we headed for Bone Church (our main destination of d day).

on d train.. in our own cubicles! :p random poses

d Bone Church

wht's behind me?...

d whole church is really "decorated" wit REAL bones..

OK my limit! for getting this close!

Next, we hired a taxi which brought us to town center. Visited St Barbara cathedral. Then we had our lunch at an v old restaurant, recommended by d taxi drive at bout 2pm. D food was really good bt d service was a little bad. Not oni took d wrong order (well oni one order went wrong la) & slow.. after lunch, we rushed for 3pm train.. there is oni 2 train service in one day! OMG..

St barbara cathedral

Nice restaurant is always hidden in small alley..

one of d fountain outside d restaurant..

haha random on d street..

while waiting for d train..

ok.. chansee was suppose to b d vampire while chueyee & i shud b "frightened".. bt duno y r we both so happy?..
Well, i hav covered most part of prague by now.. duno wht to do in d evening.. haha.. so we had 2nd trip to Charles Bridge!.. for more pics & better quality pics.. coz it isnt getting dark yet.. :)
souvenirs being sold at d market near our hostel.. hehe u proly can guess wht's famous for prague! PUPPET!

We didnt had dinner for d day since we had a super late lunch.. so we headed for desserts! Yahoo! BUT!! ppl r not frenly in prague.. there is this customer who bought a cone of ice cream wit bf.. they asked if they can sit in.. guess wht.. they DONT allow! WTH! as for us, they even hesitate for 6 of us to share 3 diff flavour of cakes.. later on, some more questioned us on our drinks fr our own water bottle! celaka betul! sweet also bcum bitter liao.. haih..

Next day, chansee, chueyee, wenjing left v early in d morning to catch d flight back to glasgow.. left wit hl, tracy & me to lepak until later of d day for flight to bristol.. Visited this Jewish Cemetery.. pretty big place & wit lots of museum.. too bad we werent in d mood to admire or coz we know little bout their history..