Today, heading to Prague Castle today.. bt it took us more than an hour to reach there.. coz we lepak here & there.. haha..

nv forget to take d photo here early in d morning! astronomical clock is at old town & our hostel just a few steps away..

someone suggested a sound of music pose & dis came out to be...??? i hav no idea.. nv let d staircase 2 b in our way.. poser grp of ppl.. :)

name dis piece of metallic thing if u can :) just lik how it looks lik.. moving fr right to left & right again.. ans: metronem

a swing 我們也不放過 :)

old buddy fr high sch..

under d shade is always good :)

introducing d handsome guards :p curi2 snap.. hehe..

Prague castle - pretty big
Is d world's largest castle complex still in operation & is d residence of d Czech president

St Vitus Cathedral - d largest & most important church in prague.. i'm so tiny :p

sweet sweet tracy & i..

st george bacilica - 2nd church of d prague castle

1st grp pic.. hehe.. told d uncle to took it wit red building bhind us bt... ... nvm.. TQ :)

curi some time to rest while waiting d girls bhind me fini camwhoring.. keke..

mr & mrs smith?..

St Nicholas Church.. hmm just realised we didnt really had much pic inside.. how come?! :p
Its robust dome & thin bell-tower are inseparable part of d prague castle skyline, it is one of d most-sought after prague churches. It belongs among d leading baroque constructions in Europe & is usually defined as being d most beautiful building of Czech baroque. It was built at a time when prague was in d process of undergoing prominent changes, when during d 2nd half of then 17th century d existing Renaissance style was replced by baroque, a style representing political & social changes having arisen after Battle of Bila Hora (white mountain) in 1620 - recatholisation & consolidation of absolutist ruler power (copy directly fr brochure :p)
petrin tower! i gona get to d top!
It was built as a small copy of Eiffel tower. Although it is only 60m tall, bt petrin hill is way above sea level. Therefore, it is situated at d same level as in paris. It has 299 stairs & gives beautiful view of prague..

view of prague castle fr d top of petrin tower..

charles bridge

perfectly bloomed.. :D
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